Sunday, September 12, 2010

If I was yours... but I'm not. Now I'm ready to start.

I'm absolutely loving the new Arcade Fire album (The Suburbs)... so much so, that I've been listening to it on repeat. I'm one of those annoying people who can listen to the same song about 250 times in a row before I get sick of it. :)

I'm feeling a bit guilty at the moment. Sd just dropped by - uninvited, again. He'd sent me an sms, and of course, not waited for an answer. So, I'd finally started studying for the day, because my German exam is on Friday, but now I'm in a bad mood and can't concentrate, so hello, internet. Today's sunshine is long gone, in favour of a grey sky and some not-too-distant thunder, and my mood is feeling much the same.

Anyway, I didn't invite him in, and stood in the stairwell for a few moments to talk. He'd brought over the elbow pads that he'd bought for rollerblading, not realising that they were womens' size. I guess it's one less item for me to buy, and it's a really nice thought. That's why I'm feeling bad - because I didn't want a visitor and he was clearly expecting to be invited in for a cup of tea, like I had last time he showed up unannounced. But I told him that I was studying, and that I didn't have time. And now I'm annoyed, and can't even study. Frustrating.

My morning, however, was lovely. I slept in until 7:15, which I felt a bit bad about, because when I sleep past 6am it makes it really difficult to get up on time for the next week, until I get back into the rhythm of it. Anyway, the extra sleep clearly did me some good, because I was in the sunniest mood this morning. The weather was great, sunny and about 23 degrees. I dyed my hair before I had a shower - mahogany again. I was getting sick of faded-pink. I even went for a short (15-minute) jog, and then walked for about half an hour. It was really great to be outside, and to actually enjoy being outside.

I had two giant corn cobs for lunch, fresh from yesterday's markets. (I ate the other three corn on the cob yesterday for breakfast!) And then Steffi and I hung out in the kitchen for a while, because both of us had tons of apples and planned on making apfelmus. We made separate batches, though. My apples were Elstar, and they were so good that when I peeled the first one, I didn't have the heart to cut it up and drown it in acidulated water. So I just ate it, heh. It was easier to cut up the apples on a full stomach! Her apples were becoming apfelmus as a necessity (they were soft and browning) rather than having been purchased for the purpose, like mine, so mine is a more golden colour. I also added less cinnamon, to let the apples shine a little more. It's awesome. I even made the accompanying apple-syrup with the leftover apple liquid. Yum. Anyway, I made so much apfelmus, I think I'll freeze some. It looks amazing!

It just started raining. God, I hate this place sometimes.

So, the last week. Hm. Tuesday was a mental health day, because I was pretty sad about my parents leaving. Wednesday I went back to uni, but I just have no motivation at the moment. I went to the market that morning, and got a few things. Just felt a bit out of it all day. Thursday was uni again, and I was so glad it was weekend. Though it didn't feel like it should be, because I'd just had a day off. I raised the idea of a class party for monday, but he didn't ask the teachers, and he didn't tell everyone, so I'm a bit undecided as to whether I should make anything. I guess I can just bake a cake this afternoon, and bring it out only if necessary. I only have wholemeal flour, so it'll have to be a chocolate cake, else it might taste a bit funny.

Friday I don't even know what I did. I think it involved a lot of reading, though. I think I went for a short jog at some point. And yesterday I went on a walk for an hour - I need to do that more often. I felt good afterwards.

Yeserday I did a few bits of shopping. Saw the new group of exchange students coming into the city. I waved to someone I know, but avoided them. Can't be bothered with new people right now. Tried to sew a few things, but with limited success (too messy to send as a gift) so I'll try again soon. I went to the markets at 7am that morning, too. Got a couple of spaghetti squash, 5 sweetcorn and half a kilo of fresh porcini (aka ceps, aka chestnut mushrooms, aka boletes). Half the porcini got made into pea & procini bruschetta. It tasted awesome but the texture was a little more slippery than button mushrooms. I removed the gills when I cooked the rest, and it was a bit better, but those are some expensive scraps... I think I'll use these ones for pasta sauce. Yum.

Speaking of which, I'm starved, so I might get onto making dinner.

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