Thursday, July 8, 2010

King of the Gutters, Prince of the Dogs.

So, I know I still haven't gotten around to posting what I wrote while I was in Poland and the Czech Republic, but I figured I'd write a quick update now and post in those later. Not that anyone reads this, so really, it doesn't matter.

I'm tired and not in the greatest mood. Today was the first day of the German Course - I'm in G2 (Grundstufe Zwei) now. In our class, lots of people were missing, but we had at least 4 people who said they've completed the equivalent with another course and are too good to be with us. Which is great for them, but I don't think they realised how much they were putting down those of us who really belong at that level. The first exercise we did was way too hard and I had no idea about any of the words. It was just painful. After the break things were a little better, but it was still the same couple of people talking, and I didn't open my mouth if I could help it. I don't want them to hear my bad grammar. And I don't want the new teacher to see that I suck even after finishing G1. Too much stress right now...

C is in my course, so I might finally stop ignoring him... seeing as I think that since today he's finally stopped ignoring me. About time.

Anyway, after the course I had lunch in the Mensa with Sd. Then I went to Rewe to buy a few things for the 'bring-a-plate' component of tomorrow's farewell for Erasmus students. I'm going to mark Sushi. Sd is apparently going to help. We'll see. Anyway, when I was in Rewe I missed a call from him. Turns out he didn't have to work after all so he met me there and we came back here. Hung out for a while, then he had a sleep and I made a cake with red currants. (Well, I made two cakes, but I've already eaten half of one. Definite eating control issues.) He woke up really tired and in a bad mood, so we hung out and had tea and cake in the kitchen, but it wasn't any fun. I was glad when he left. Plus, I habe Deutsch Hausaufgabe zu tun. Schlimm.

So, yesterday I did two loads of laundry, which should be dry now, because today the weather was 30 degrees. Nice. I ate way too much for dinner (soft tacos, then using some of the extra torillas like crepes with sweet filling). Yesterday I was glad to be home. Now I'm wishing I was anywhere else. I want out.

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