Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Saturday

So, I've been here for four whole weeks now. It honestly doesn't feel like that long, but I guess I'm settling into the routine of things now. I meant to write earlier, but of course, things never work out quite like that. I'll blame my sore foot: it makes me move more slowly, therefore it takes me longer to get home, which means that I have less time to write. Sure.

So, to pick up where I left off, last Friday: I didn't end up going out. I was much too tired and I honestly couldn't be bothered. I'm not sure what I did on Saturday during the day, but in the evening I went to a party at G's house... was really tired, though, and everyone came really late, so I left not too long after the bulk of people arrived. T had invited me to drinks at his house, but I was lazy and didn't want to drink more, so I used that as a convenient excuse to bail and then walked home. I'm still walking everywhere, even though my foot hurts. It'll either get better or get worse, so I'll just wait and see.

On Sunday, I did exciting things like laundry... of course. Sunday night I went over to K's house, because he had a friend from out of town visiting - she was really lovely. The problem was that we stayed for a while too long. In fact, a while extended itself to 7am. Too much talking! I'm still surprised that I dutifully got up after 2 hours sleep, and went to the orientation for the language class. It was pretty difficult to stay awake for the day... and it was a really long day. But we got free lunch, and I finally paid for the course (after a really, really long wait in line in the International Office) and was pleased to finally go home. Needless to say, I had an early night.

Tuesday was my day off; no uni activities because classes started on Wednesday. So, I went with F and H to Ikea. We had an awesome time; I spent 100 Euro on stuff for my room, which is fine by me because my room is starting to look really awesome. I just need to hang my curtains and put things up on my walls, and everything will be great. H found a shopping list in a display kitchen and wrote "3kg Peniswurst" on it, and replaced it in its original position. I cried because I laughed so hard. We had snacks and it was an awesome trip, and I was pleased that F accepted some petrol money, because I know she's a poor student too! I still owe her dinner. And she helped me carry all my things inside, which was nice, too. Tuesday night I chose not to go out with all the Int students, and slept instead. Wise decision.

Wednesday was my first language class. It went really well, and the teacher, H (another H!) is really lovely. She knows M too, from when she taught him in German classes many years ago, and gave me her number and said I should come over for dinner sometime. So friendly! I was a little overwhelmed. Either way, class was great. I met F and H and Fr for lunch, and we ate at the Mensa before getting coffee at the pub and sitting outside in the sunshine for a while. It was a nice afternoon. I went to the Int Office and finally got my student ID and my Semesterticket, so now I have free transport within the state. Pretty exciting! That night I went to Marktkauf and stocked up on food for the weekend (Easter - everything is closed!) and bought white asparagus, which was definitely a highlight. I ate sauteed asparagus and french beans for dinner, just a massive bowl with olive oil, salt and pepper. Delicious!

Thursday was language class again - F bailed on lunch, but I didn't mind eating alone, for the peace and quiet. The Mensa food was awful, though, so I made plans for a healthy dinner. S gave me a little lindt bunny for Easter, which was sweet, even if it's milk chocolate. I went to the Visa office and finally got my residence permit, which was good. M came over for dinner; we ate polenta with Moroccan-style veg (cumin and tomato-based sauce), asparagus and beans, and fried eggplant as well. Pretty delicious! We also had dessert; I'd done the custard-layered dessert using chocolate custard, raspberries and biscuit base. We finished it off, so it was definitely delicious. We sat around talking until midnight, by which time I was yawning, and then I went to bed. It was nice to hang out again; I wasn't sure if I'd hear from him, but was pleased to, anyway.

Yesterday was Good Friday, which of course meant that everything was closed. I was woken by a call from K at 8:30am (I'd like to note that he went back to sleep, but I was too awake and got up when we got off the phone at 9) - bright and early! Neither of us knew where we wanted to drive to, in that he has his parents' car for the weekend, and decided we'd have some lunch and make up our minds later. I filled the morning with baking; made the cookies that J gave me the recipe for, albeit with many substitutions, but they were amazing. So I went over to K's apartment at one, and had lunch made for me, which was awesome. We spent the afternoon lazing, and didn't quite get around to our day trip... but that was ok. We didn't realise how late it was, and ate leftovers from lunch for our dinner, then hurried off (via the uni to pick up E) to the BBQ at Benhauser.

Hung around for a few hours at the BBQ, chatting to people and freezing when the bonfire settled down... played guitar in the basement for a few minutes, which was good. I miss guitar. I shared the cookies with people, and everyone loved them. Managed to offend C by telling him honestly how much he offended me sometimes. I can't be bothered dealing with the consequences. T said they have some broken bikes, so I could take one and get it fixed... awesome idea. K dropped me home and I ate another four bikkies and had a cup of tea before bed. I needed the comfort and warmth.

Today, I got out of bed at 10 (I woke at 8 but went back to sleep) and now, two hours later, still haven't eaten breakfast. I'm going to go to the supermarket later, and get some more veg. And I'm going to wash my sheets today, and put on the new green ones that I bought at Ikea. K called. We're going for our drive tonight; he's going to transport a load of stuff to his parents' house for storage, and I think we'll stay there for the night, because it'll be too late to come back. Plus then we can see the countryside a bit the next day. So I'd better get moving, eat something, and do my laundry before I go to the Marktkauf. :)

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