Once again I've been slack and haven't updated enough, and consequently can't remember half of what I've done. But I'm in the UK and A will be home soon, so I'll try to make it speedy.
From the 7th to 12th of June was the last week of the German course. On the Wednesday we had a long day, with class after lunch as well. One night that week was a Chinese Evening in the Eurobiz office, but I can't remember which night. On Friday we all went to He's apartment for afternoon tea. That was pretty good - earlier K had helped me purchase two nice bouqets for our teachers. So they got flowers and we got coffee, cake, and sekt, which is a pretty nice trade as far as I'm concerned. I fell in love with Turkish Halva (though it'll never compare to their fairy floss!)...
I got up super early before the exam on Saturday and was there at 8am. The exam went well, and afterwards I was pleased to go home and nap for a couple of hours, simply because I could. Mi was in town from that night, so we went over to Ve's for dinner with a bunch of other people. Mi made spinach risotto, making a special version for me without cheese. It was pretty tasty! Then afterwards we went to a party at the house of the Polish students, but I was mostly just exhausted and just chatted with Sd on the balcony. We left at about midnight.
Saturday Mi and K and a few others went to a film festival in Detmold, but I slept in too late and chose to stay home. Talked to J on skype and it made me sad that he was sad, so I was pretty low all day. That night everyone came over for dinner and I made a pasta bake with vegan creamy sauce and a salad, which all went down really well. We had 8 people in my kitchen, which was pretty entertaining. I was a bit annoyed that certain people were only speaking Turkish, because I thought it was rude. Oh well, such is life. I was pleased to finally have an early night.
No idea what I did on Sunday. Slept in late and lazed about, I guess. I recall making Satay for Sd and I, in my kitchen, which was utterly delicious. But I don't know whether that was on Sunday. What were we doing before that? No idea, but I remember being tired.
Monday... can't remember the day, but the evening was the Turkish night. Mi and I went to V's to help out with some preparation, which was a bit disorganised and stressful. I was glad when we snuck off to Real to buy drinks and heart lollies. We had a lot of fun there! The Turkish evening had good food (yes! finally something spicy!) and I only wish I wasn't still so exhausted. Sd's ex showed up so he was pretty worried about all of it... he got a message from her later saying she never wanted to speak to him again. I told him to relax, because honestly, we've all been there. Me especially, so I'm not one to judge. Life goes on, but he still feels bad about it. But you can't stay somewhere for too long when you're heart isn't into it. Jebus, do I know that one. Anyway, I left the Turkish night kinda early. It was nice to relax at home.
Tuesday was the day we could see our test results for the German exam, so I was up early to be at uni at 9:30am. I got 19.5/20 for Listening Comprehension, 19.5/20 for Text Production, 8.8/10 for Grammar and 16.35/20 for Reading Comprehension. So I'm pretty happy. Plus I got 28/30 for the class work, therefore needing no Spoken exam and being able to go home. Win. I tried to print out my Ryanair boarding passes but of course didn't have my passport. So I went home, got that, and came back. Finally worked out the printing system. Ace.
That afternoon, Mi and I went to Koln to see the Hold Steady. Mk had, of course, bailed on the ticket I'd already bought him. So Mi called up a girl she'd met a week earlier, who lived in Koln, and arranged for her to come with us, and to let us sleep there. The show was great fun, and I was really happy to be there, even if it was a Tuesday night. I bought two tshirts (one for me, one for J) and we caught the tram back to the friend's house. Stayed up late chatting over tea and trail mix. It was nice.
The next morning, I woke up at 7am so I showered and got ready. Mi was up when I was ready, and then her friend (I'm not using names because I can't work out a letter combo that doesn't overlap with anyone else!) bought us brotchen for breakfast. What a sweetheart! She gave Mi a couple of croissants for the journey. So lovely. The train to Muenster was only two hours, so we arrived before all the other people. We went shopping with our spare time, and I bought a snack. We ate strawberries and nectarines from the markets, and Mi bought green olives. I tried to eat one and it was definitely the best olive I've tasted, but I couldn't eat a whole one. I'm just not into olives. Then we met up with our group... everyone ate Doner at a Turkish fast food place, and then we went on a long walk to a park. I was exhausted and barely capable of speaking, so I just lazed about. I had the innovation of buying a loaf of crusty bread and snacks to go with the beers we were drinking. Wise move. Being in large groups is impossible. I was quite pleased when we finally got on the train back to Pb.
Anyway, back to Thursday. I don't remember what I did in the morning, but in the afternoon I met up with Mi, A and her sister, and Ka and we went swimming with Vr in the Freibad. It wasn't that hot and the water was chilly but the pools were nice and we could laze about on the grass for a while. We headed back to the city and I left Mi at Bar Celona, where she made a booking. I went home for an hour or so to get ready, and then headed back to the cafe. Met up with a few people, and had dinner. I had a tomato pasta and salad. For a supposedly Spanish cafe, there was very little Spanish food on the menu. But that's Germany for you. I kept trying to get away early but it never worked - other people always foiled my plans. We played a little table soccer at Sappho and I got home stupidly late because it took us an hour to walk 10 mins, what with stopping everytime someone changed their mind about where they were going, or saying goodbye when someone left the group. I hate large groups.
So, Friday I was tired when I got up, but I met up with An and she gave me her Oystercard for use in London. While I was waiting for her I met up with Mi, who had asked to borrow my copy card, and we printed her boarding pass for her bus home. Before that, even, we had breakfast in the pub at uni. So after meeting up with An, I went to Mediamarkt and bought an ipod charger for a powerpoint (I let my computer in Pb) and new earphones. I also went to the International Office to tell them that my course fee hadn't been withdrawn from my account and that I wouldn't be around on July 5 to pay cash, so Mrs O said she'd look into it for me. No stress! Yay! I was definitely panicking a little about that one. So now I have to leave cash in my account in case they finally withdraw it, but of course, I have no money for Poland now. So I think everything will go on credit. I did reply to an email from Mum which asked if I needed cash, and tried to be subtle about it, but I really hope they send something. My rent will come out on July 1, which leaves me with about 400 euros for my travels, and I need to pay accomodation and for one train. Eeeek.
So, I decided to stick around at uni to eat lunch with Mi and V and Ka in the Mensa. The food was questionable, as always, and everyone was a bit sad that our lustige gruppe was splitting up. Mi left to go home, Ka left to go home, and then V barely spoke because he's clearly madly in love with Mi. Sd walked me home and came in to hang out for a while, and I finished packing. Then, he said he'd help me with my bags. He clearly had nothing better to do. I stopped in at the post office to post two tshirts to J, then at Backfactory to buy a couple of rolls (and a pretzel!) to snack on for my journey to Weeze.
Sd carried my bag for me all the way to the train station, and then waited next to me on the train until just before it left. He even waited on the platform to wave me off. It's good to have friends like that, but I felt a bit uneasy. I was glad when the train left. Anyway, I had three trains to the station just before Weeze, then a shuttle bus to the airport. I had a momentary panic when I realised that the shuttle might cost money, because I had no Euros on me, but thankfully it was ok with my semesterticket. Checked my bag, and read a book while I waited for the flight. Ryanair ran late of course, but Ad was waiting for me when I arrived. We drove back here, had a cuppa, and finally I got to sleep.
This morning I woke up at 5am (thanks, body clock, but it's an hour earlier here than in Pb) and napped on and off until 7:30am, when I finally gave in and got up. Showered and had toast for breakky, Ad's dad made me coffee, and now I'm looking at the internet... Ad is home now, so I'm off... hopefully meet up with Mk, A.P and T.C later tonight!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Colours on the inside, twenty years ago.
So, this week. I should really get my diary to remember this, because I try to write down what I've been doing... but really, that's not going to work, because I've been slack.
Monday. I had German class, of course. I'm not sure what I did in the afternoon. That evening I went to Cl's house with A... it was a farewell for Mg, and he was completely trashed. But Cl and I sang a couple of songs, which was fun. Everyone was smoking so my clothes smelled awful. Ch actually talked to me for once, so either I've done something wrong or he's developed some logic. Don't really care either way, actually. Anyway, we left at about midnight, which meant that I was pretty tired in class on Tuesday. That evening I felt like moving, so went for a bit of a jog. Knee was a bit stuffed afterwards, but I felt good that I'd done that. I need to do that more. I don't know what I did Tuesday night, but I'm pretty sure it involved going to bed early. I always feel so much better when I get a lot of sleep! It ended up just being too impossible and too expensive to go to Amsterdam for the show. Oh well.
Wednesday was German class again. Wednesday night was the Brazilian Evening in the Eurobiz office. Didn't stick around for too long, in favour of hanging out at my house, which was nicer. Plus it was awesome that I didn't have class the next day, so I could stay up for as long as I liked. I slept pretty well and was happy to laze around in bed until some appallingly late time on Thursday.
Thursday I went to V's house because we were meant to study. Sd had just arrived so they were eating breakfast, and it was good to hang out normally. E and Kr came later too... we talked in German but didn't really study anything, and I left at about 5pm. Went to a quiz night with Ju and her friends, but didn't talk too much, and the questions were really hard. I think it'd be nicer if I go back with some of my own friends next time. The questions were in two languages, too.
Friday I had class, and then we all had lunch in the Mensa. O came with us and ate, which was nice. She'd told S and I that morning that she was pregnant, which really just confirmed my suspicions. So of course that day I'd told all the boys in the pause. We'd had the first half of the lesson outside, too, because the weather was so sunny and beautiful. Anyway, after lunch I had Tandem with K. After that I sent Sd a message to ask if he was still in the library, so I went there to meet him.
The weather was so awesome and warm and sunny that we went for a walk behind the university... walked through lots of fields and eventually few trees to walk through. Anyway, Sd and I chilled out for a few hours under the trees, practicing our mediocre German, before walking back. We went to Real and bought some bits and pieces for dinner, then went back to his place and hung out for a while. Cooked dinner, ate dinner. Had a few frustrating communication moments over the word "doubt", which pretty much killed me, because I'm the kind to let something drop if it's just creating tension. So that was a bit stressful, and I felt really annoyed at him. Anyway, I was exhausted, so I was ready for bed pretty early.
The next day I got a message from Ju inviting me to a bbq, but I would never have made it on time, and needed some alone-time anyway. I just can't be around other people all the time. I wish more people understood that.
Anyway, I went to Marktkauf and bought a few things. It felt like Sunday because of the public holiday on Thursday... the weather was beautiful again, and I was happy about that. I got an invite to a bbq in Vogeliusweg with V and Sd, and I went there about 9:45pm... I didn't really know anyone there, which was a bit awkward, and I know that someone asked V what was going on... frustrating. Sd walked me home, which was nice but unnecessary, and I went to bed about 1:30. Today I got up at 8:30 so that I'll be able to sleep a little earlier tonight, and not be too tired for class tomorrow. I haven't done my German homework so I should really do that soon.
This morning, I had a long breakfast (which I love doing)... breakfast always seems to involve oats, soy milk or joghurt, mixed with banana slices and frozen berries. It's a fantastic breakfast for when you're ravenous and get home at midday and need to eat something. Anyway, I sat in the kitchen on my laptop, until L and D came in, which destroyed my peace. I had eaten curry, and a big piece of poppyseed cake that I baked this morning, in order to take some to uni for snacking. I should cut it up into wedges and put it in the fridge so I'm not tempted to nibble at it.
I'm in the midst of a long string of messages with Mi on facebook, where we're talking about everything. She's the only one I've talked with in any seriousness lately... and she's the only one to know that my heart is elsewhere, not in this town. And I need to tell Sd that sometimes his company is too much and I get freaked out. But hey, all in good time. I should go do something else.
Monday. I had German class, of course. I'm not sure what I did in the afternoon. That evening I went to Cl's house with A... it was a farewell for Mg, and he was completely trashed. But Cl and I sang a couple of songs, which was fun. Everyone was smoking so my clothes smelled awful. Ch actually talked to me for once, so either I've done something wrong or he's developed some logic. Don't really care either way, actually. Anyway, we left at about midnight, which meant that I was pretty tired in class on Tuesday. That evening I felt like moving, so went for a bit of a jog. Knee was a bit stuffed afterwards, but I felt good that I'd done that. I need to do that more. I don't know what I did Tuesday night, but I'm pretty sure it involved going to bed early. I always feel so much better when I get a lot of sleep! It ended up just being too impossible and too expensive to go to Amsterdam for the show. Oh well.
Wednesday was German class again. Wednesday night was the Brazilian Evening in the Eurobiz office. Didn't stick around for too long, in favour of hanging out at my house, which was nicer. Plus it was awesome that I didn't have class the next day, so I could stay up for as long as I liked. I slept pretty well and was happy to laze around in bed until some appallingly late time on Thursday.
Thursday I went to V's house because we were meant to study. Sd had just arrived so they were eating breakfast, and it was good to hang out normally. E and Kr came later too... we talked in German but didn't really study anything, and I left at about 5pm. Went to a quiz night with Ju and her friends, but didn't talk too much, and the questions were really hard. I think it'd be nicer if I go back with some of my own friends next time. The questions were in two languages, too.
Friday I had class, and then we all had lunch in the Mensa. O came with us and ate, which was nice. She'd told S and I that morning that she was pregnant, which really just confirmed my suspicions. So of course that day I'd told all the boys in the pause. We'd had the first half of the lesson outside, too, because the weather was so sunny and beautiful. Anyway, after lunch I had Tandem with K. After that I sent Sd a message to ask if he was still in the library, so I went there to meet him.
The weather was so awesome and warm and sunny that we went for a walk behind the university... walked through lots of fields and eventually few trees to walk through. Anyway, Sd and I chilled out for a few hours under the trees, practicing our mediocre German, before walking back. We went to Real and bought some bits and pieces for dinner, then went back to his place and hung out for a while. Cooked dinner, ate dinner. Had a few frustrating communication moments over the word "doubt", which pretty much killed me, because I'm the kind to let something drop if it's just creating tension. So that was a bit stressful, and I felt really annoyed at him. Anyway, I was exhausted, so I was ready for bed pretty early.
The next day I got a message from Ju inviting me to a bbq, but I would never have made it on time, and needed some alone-time anyway. I just can't be around other people all the time. I wish more people understood that.
Anyway, I went to Marktkauf and bought a few things. It felt like Sunday because of the public holiday on Thursday... the weather was beautiful again, and I was happy about that. I got an invite to a bbq in Vogeliusweg with V and Sd, and I went there about 9:45pm... I didn't really know anyone there, which was a bit awkward, and I know that someone asked V what was going on... frustrating. Sd walked me home, which was nice but unnecessary, and I went to bed about 1:30. Today I got up at 8:30 so that I'll be able to sleep a little earlier tonight, and not be too tired for class tomorrow. I haven't done my German homework so I should really do that soon.
This morning, I had a long breakfast (which I love doing)... breakfast always seems to involve oats, soy milk or joghurt, mixed with banana slices and frozen berries. It's a fantastic breakfast for when you're ravenous and get home at midday and need to eat something. Anyway, I sat in the kitchen on my laptop, until L and D came in, which destroyed my peace. I had eaten curry, and a big piece of poppyseed cake that I baked this morning, in order to take some to uni for snacking. I should cut it up into wedges and put it in the fridge so I'm not tempted to nibble at it.
I'm in the midst of a long string of messages with Mi on facebook, where we're talking about everything. She's the only one I've talked with in any seriousness lately... and she's the only one to know that my heart is elsewhere, not in this town. And I need to tell Sd that sometimes his company is too much and I get freaked out. But hey, all in good time. I should go do something else.
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