Thursday, March 4, 2010

I'm bored and I'm starting to get tired.

...and yet I still have a few hours to kill at Singapore's Changi Airport. Don't get me wrong for a second; I absolutely adore Singapore. I love the climate and it leaves me wondering why I'm flying to a country where it's snowing. I'd even go so far as to say I like the airport - though, granted, I'd like it a lot more if I had a squillion dollars to spend in all the high-end fashion stores. As it stands, I've spent SD$15 on ramen noodles and a bottle of water. Contemplating buying a bottle of gin, but I probably don't even need that. But really, a bit of gin never sent me astray...

The past few days have been pretty good - I've just been catching up with everyone, making sure I get in quality time with friends before I leave them for a year. The only meal I regularly ate at home in the past week was breakfast - lunches and dinners were spent visiting favourite haunts (Japanese noodle place in the Central Markets, you know I'm looking at you!) and feeding or getting fed by friends. Honestly, it was great. I even had a couple of people take me out to dinner (you know who you are, so I won't name and shame you ;) hehe) which was incredibly awesome, because it shows how mindful my friends are of the effort I've been making to save money. Ah, I'm going to miss you guys.

On Monday I had a family dinner with the parents, my brother and his wife and their daughter GG. Wah Hing provided the eats - they're always a favourite. In fact, I'd go so far as to say they are my favourite. Tuesday I went over to L's place for dinner, and was fed delicious pizza, and last night was dinner at home - Mum made me roast veg, which are another favourite. J came over afterwards and Mum had made him a plate, because hey, that's what mothers are for! This morning we farewelled and I was left to pile the last few remaining items into my suitcase, and head to the airport. The parents and GG saw me off (they were babysitting) and I had an uneventful flight here. I was pleased to be able to remind them how grateful I am for all their help with this trip - I certainly couldn't contemplate it without their backing (financial, but the moral support is nice too).

Highlights were getting fed before everyone else (custom meals, yes thanks) and generally appreciating Singapore Airlines as one of the better carriers. Lowlights were being crammed into Cattle Class with a squillion other people, but hey, it's in my price range... this is what I get for not being filthy rich. I'll have to rectify that at some point. Anyway, I watched that Roller Derby movie that Drew Barrymore directed, which I can't remember the name of... either way, it was definitely entertaining. Less entertaining were 2012 (action trash) and some movie about love across the Berlin Wall (romantic trash). Found a game remarkably close to Skybubbles amongst the screen's games, so Mum would be proud.

It's pretty strange to have left everyone behind. I only hope that everything goes smoothly, that I find a house soon (yep - the arranged one fell through, but I'm still able to stay there for a few weeks while I find somewhere) or even that German customs officers don't decide that I'm trying to be an illegal immigrant or a terrorist or something. These are the things I worry about, I know they're ridiculous. I only have another half a day (ok, a bit more) of being highly strung and then I'll be able to get my life sorted out. One of the houses I've shown interest for has two very small rooms (one would be entirely bed, the other would be study etc) and a CAT! Can't believe how excited I am at the possibility of having a cat, even though I've seen another, larger room right in the middle of the town. Either way, I'll keep posting about how it all pans out.

Might go get another snack, while I'm here...!

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