I confess that I've been a bit lazy today. Well, not lazy exactly... I just haven't done a couple of things I should have, like contacted uni or had passport photos taken. Before you panic, for the record, I already have a valid passport - these are just photos I'll need for ID and the like when I reach Paderborn. In my defense, it's a hot day, my hair isn't looking that great (ok, that's a lame excuse) and I was cleaning out my wardrobe.
I have to explain the wardrobe thing is a bigger task than one might expect, despite this being my fourth or fifth clean-out in the past few months. I owned more clothes than any human being rightly deserves to, and while I never had a shortage of anything to wear, I decided that I needed to downside when I left my house on Leader St. So I did. Twice. Most of them have since been sold in Irving Baby, and I'm looking forward to picking up my handsome sum at the end of the month. And since moving in here, I've done the clean-out again, in varying stages. Today was my final attempt at being ruthless, and I made a particular effort to be thorough. This is why I finally got onto the stockings.

Now, if you're a man, you might like to avert your eyes - not for the sake of modesty, because I think we all know I'm beyond redemption there, but because you're going to have even less chance of understanding why I own so many pairs of stockings. Unless, of course, you're a fan of wearing them, then by all means, enjoy the show. But 30+ pairs of tights is a little more than a person needs. So most of them (all the pretty colours, really, with the exception of some red pairs) have gone to St VdP.
(RIP Stockings, you will be forever missed.)
So, melodrama aside, I'm cleaning out my wardrobe so that the room I'm currently occupying will be available to guests after I leave. There will be some things still there, like all the nice dresses I've worn to weddings etc, but there will be at least enough space for a guest to hang up some clothes. So it's all a step in the right direction.
Speaking of right directions, I finally said goodbye to bleaching my hair to ridiculously light colours. Sure, it was fun, but I'm much too lazy to bother, and my hair was starting to feel pretty dry. So, goodbye blonde:
And hello copper:

I thought the colour looked a bit like a salmon, but Jesse decided it looked like a fox, so I'm going to stick with his version. Oh, and in that I don't think I've shown these off very much yet:
These are the world's most attractive reading glasses, as owned by yours truly. Just thought I'd put that in there. C'mon, you have to admit that these are awesome.
Anyway, I should probably finish what I've started. I still haven't gotten replies from the couple of WG enquiries I've made, so perhaps I should just apply for the single-room apartments... kinda tempting. I don't blame people though, there's no way I'd let someone move into my house if they didn't speak my language. Waiting on photos from one person (the only one who had replied) so keep your fingers crossed for me.
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